Reporting for Backup as a Service

Reporting for Backup as a Service


complete, reliable and easy

Intelligent monitoring enables you to concentrate on the really relevant errors and to identify problems in advance.
The detection of missing backups, clients without backups as well as problems with supposedly correct backups is essential for restore capability.

Intelligent monitoring includes much more than just the "failed backups" or "configuration problems" reported by your backup software

BACKUP EAGLE® considers these issues

Automatic re-evaluation of irrelevant error messages

Irrelevant errors

Errors that are not relevant for restore are automatically corrected rule-based (e.g. open temporary files)

Re-evaluation of backup jobs

Backups that only contain irrelevant errors are re-evaluated as error-free (rc = 0)

Less effort and more quality

Daily control is reduced to backups with only relevant errors

Consistency checks

Deviations in quantity and time

Detection of backups whose amount or duration differs from the average of e.g. the last 8 backups by more than 30%

Self-healing for underground backups

Automatic correction of faulty backup if subsequent backup is without error

Logical inconsistencies

Detection of e.g. backups with an amount of 0 bytes - because the backup job was changed by mistake

Daily control - optimised

Detailed information at a glance

For each backup job: results, error messages, quantities, runtimes, start, end, last comment, ...
Filter, search and sort options available

30 days review

For each backup job:  the last 30 results are directly bvisible

comments list

Fast commenting of faulty backups by selection from last comments (client and user)


Missing backups

Detect missing backups - e.g. because they were erroneously deleted from automation

Application server without any backup

Detect servers for which (so far) no backup at all exists

Dedicated protocols for all backups / restores

Automatically get a separate protocol for each backup / restore


Monthly and yearly views

Cumulated results

Month view over all days and year view over all months

grouping option

Backup servers, backup clients or tenants


Year -> Months -> Days