BACKUP EAGLE® for IBM Storage Protect

BACKUP EAGLE® for IBM Storage Protect

easy, comprehensive, reliable

ISP environment status

BACKUP EAGLE® ISP dashboards

  • Customise your IBM Storage Protect Dashboards to fit your requirements.
  • Views for additional departments, topics and tenants (such as "M01") can be shown in additional dashboards.

ISP backup monitoring

BACKUP EAGLE® daily checking of backups

  • All backup jobs are shown clearly arranged in a list with the most important attributes directly.
  • Additional information of a backup job - error messages, direct view on the last 30 backups (results, quantities) can be found in the detail area.

ISP backup monitoring (time view)

BACKUP EAGLE® monthly and annual views

  • Monthly view: includes all backups cumulated per day.
  • Annual view: includes all backups cumulated per month.

ISP server monitoring

BACKUP EAGLE® server checks

  • Keep an overview of the status of your ISP servers based on server checks with threshold values.
  • If you select an ISP server check, all detailed information about the current status and the development of the last 31 days is displayed.

ISP device monitoring

BACKUP EAGLE® device checks

  • Keep an overview of the status of your backup devices based on device checks with threshold control.
  • When you select a device check, all detailed information on the current status and the development over the last 31 days is displayed.

ISP reports

BACKUP EAGLE® reports by topics

  • proof of backups & restores
  • audit & compliance
  • capacities and forecasts
  • configuration documentation
  • backup servers and backup devices


ISP backups

BACKUP EAGLE® ISP backup report

  • This report contains the results of all IBM Spectrum Protect backups and restores with the associated basic information (one line per backup).

ISP backups with details

BACKUP EAGLE® ISP backup detail report

  • You can easily configure this IBM Storage Protect report to include additional details.

ISP audit

BACKUP EAGLE® ISP audit report

  • This audit-specific report includes all IBM Storage Protect backups and restores for the previous day, including audit comments on the failed backups & restores.

ISP capacity planning

BACKUP EAGLE® ISP forecast & capacity planning

  • This report is an example of a forecast and is designed for capacity planning issues.

ISP configuration

BACKUP EAGLE® ISP configuration documentation

  • This report is an example of a daily BACKUP EAGLE configuration report and shows the specifications of an ISP client / registered node.
  • All ISP configuration reports are generated automatically on a daily basis and additionally on request.

ISP configuration

BACKUP EAGLE® ISP configuration change evidence

  • All changes to your IBM Spectrum Protect configuration are automatically recorded.
  • This report completes the documentation of your ISP backup environment.

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